Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Minutes to April Meeting Posted

The minutes to the April meeting have been posted on the council Web site.
Click here to view the minutes: http://www.harvesterkofc.com/roster/members.html

Remember, this is a "password-protected" section of our council's site that can only be viewed by members. If you need to get a username and password, e-mail the council's Webmaster, Mark Laux at either of the addresses below:


Pope Benedict Elected By Cardinals

On only the second day of their enclave, Cardinals have elected a new Pope for the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany becomes the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is a longtime guardian of doctrinal orthodoxy has chosen the name Pope Benedict XVI.
God Bless the new Pope and we give thanks to the Lord for blessing us with John Paul II.

To read an in-depth package on Pope Benedict, click here:

Slate of Officers Introduced at April Meeting

The slate of officers for the upcoming fraternal year was introduced to the membership at the April meeting for a first reading. Nominations for all positions remain open until the May meeting, when the election of new officers will be conducted.
The current Directors and Officers have recommended to the council passage of the entire slate of officers for the 2005-06 year (which begins on June 1). Elections will take place at the May meeting with the new officers installed in June.
The slate of recommended officers is:

Grand Knight: Dan Breneman

Deputy Grand Knight: Kevin Smith

Chancellor: Pierce Conley

Treasurer: John Breneman

Recording Secretary: Craig Lalumandier

Inside Guard: Bo Riccardi

Outside Guard: Barry Young

Trustee 1st Year: Dave Meglio

Trustee 2nd Year: Glenn Korando

Trustee 3rd Year: Michael Tobin

Warden: Rich Antrobus

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Pope's Death Presents Good Time To Renew Yourself to Family and Council

Grand Knight's Column
By Dave Meglio

It's springtime! A time of new birth and renewal. It's not a coincidence that the Church chose this time of the year as the time to celebrate Jesus Christ's rising from the dead.

As we celebrate the life and mourn the death of Pope John Paul II, we are reminded about the Holy Father's constant preaching about spiritual renewal. So in the spirit of renewal I would like to ask each of you to renew you commitment to your family and the Knights.

After you make that new commitment maybe you might like to have some place to focus your efforts. Well, I've got a number of committees that can use additional help from our brother Knights.

A while back we talked about how we wanted to have our membership involved in assisting various committees to help accomplish various projects. When I discussed this in a previous article a number of Knights e-mailed me back asking about our committees and there functions, so here they are:

1. Membership: Jim Radi (Director)
New members is life blood of any organization, we must all assist in this function, even the best organizations have members that move, get transferred or worse yet pass away.
The Committee consists of 3 areas:
A. Recruiting New members
B. The 1st Degree Team
C. Retention

2. Council: Tom O'Leary (Director)
-- MR (Mental Retardation) "Tootsie Roll" drive. (Mike Sage and Bob Sage)
This is our annual commitment to Mental Retardation research and treatment and also the Special Olympics.
-- Blood Drives: (Gene Heist)
We currently work with the American Red Cross and Community Blood Services and we have 4 blood drives per year.

3. Family: Glenn Korando (Director)--Organizing the Family Christmas party the Easter Carnival and the Family Camp out.

4. Community: Bob Fusinatto (Director)
--Service and out reach to the community
--Care Service: Mike Tobin (Director) (Special Projects)
--Road Cleanup: Maintain a stretch of Mexico road in St. Peters
--Adopt-A-Family: Mike Tobin (Director) Care Service Christmas outreach.

5. Youth: Melvin Bishop (Director)
--Free Throw Contest
--Essay Contest

6. Major Fund Raising Efforts:
--Trivia Knight: Kevin Smith
--Poker Knight: Kevin Smith
--Crazy Bowl: Tom Lyons
--Family Arena: Dave Meglio
--UMB Pavilion: John Breneman

7. No-Hunger Holiday: Frank Conard (Director)
Community outreach at Thanksgiving designed to give every needy family in St. Charles County an chance to have a full Thanksgiving dinner that they can enjoy at home with there family.

8. Church: Denny Corr (Director)
--Family Masses
--Roses for Life

9. Athletics: Tony Dickherber (Director)
--Softball, Darts, Horseshoes

10. Building: Pierce Conley (Director)
--Overseeing and conducting functions that will eventually allow us to purchase our own council hall.

11. Social: Jeff Smith (Director)
--Planning special social outings for Knights and there significant others

12. Communications: Kevin Smith (Director)
--Website: Mark Laux (Director)

We would like every member to advise us about there interest in helping on one or more of these committees.

Thank you for your time,

Dave Meglio

Monday, April 11, 2005

Poker Tourney Set for May 14

Details are in place for the inaugural Harvester Knights of Columbus Texas Hold 'Em Poker Knight.
The event will take place on May 14 at the Harvester Lion's Club on Central School Road (near the intersection of Hwy. N and Mid Rivers Mall Drive behind the Home Depot).
Buy in for the main event will be $35 and players will be able to have one re-buy back into the main event. There will be a prize pool of $1,000 for the main event. There will also be $20 consolation tables with the winner taking $100 in prize money away.
In addition to plenty of card playing, there will be a 50-50 drawing, door prizes, raffles and possible a "barrel of booze" (can you help in getting a wheel barrel and bottles of liquor donated?
We are hosting the event at the Harvester Lion's Club and are allowed to provide the beer for the participants, if you have the ability and connections to get beer donated from bar owners or others, or would like to donate some beer yourself, as much beer as we can get donated for free will help offset our costs and make this as big a money maker as possible.
We are hoping to sell out the event and the hall can accommodate 200 comfortably and 240 with a tight fit. Do your part to help promote the event. Make sure to sign up early to reserve your spot, or if you aren't much of a Hold 'Em player contact Kevin Smith about working that night.
For more information contact Kevin (smittyk@charter.net).
Also, help publicize the event by printing off a flyer and distributing it in your office and among your friends and family who aren't Knights.
To download the flyer about the Poker Knight, click here:


Monday, April 04, 2005

Knights Celebrate Life of Pope John Paul II

It is with great sadness Catholics all around the world morn the loss of Pope John Paul II, but it is also with great joy we celebrate his life and the blessing he bestowed upon all of us.

The Knights of Columbus were one of the strongest advocates and partners of the Pope and the members of the Harvester council join in with all of our fraternal order in celebrating the life and mission of arguably one of the greatest Popes of all-time and without question one of the greatest champions of peace and human dignity of the last century.

To read about the extensive work between the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Father, click here:

Easter Carnival a Huge Success

Fun games for kids of all ages were included in the annual Easter Carnival Posted by Hello

To see more pics from the Easter Carnival, click here:

Korando Thankful for Support on Event

Brother Knights, Ladies, family, friends and children;

What more can I say but Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! You did a fantastic job in the operation of what Father Roberston called "organized chaos". Once again you have come through for the Knights families, the parishioners of J&A and for our brotherhood. All my fear was for not! Although our turnout was lower than last year we still had an excellent attendance for Easter weekend. I heard nothing but praise from everyone I spoke with and its all because of you. I would like to thank both Father Doyle and Father Robertson for coming down and showing there support for this wonderful event and I would especially like to thank Father Doyle for the use of the hall.

A special note of thanks to all the Knights and families which donated not only there time but material things as well, God bless you. Without your special support and effort this event would have been a disaster. Again I must send out a special Thank you to a very incredible woman. Without her extra efforts this event couldn't take place. Sheila, Thank You !!!

In closing, this is a wonderful event which offers fun for the whole family. I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter and my God bless each and everyone of you. I look forward to your wonderful camaraderie which this joyous occasion will bring again next year.

Glenn Korando
Family Events Director
Harvester Knights of Columbus