Sunday, March 12, 2006

March meeting is Open House

Sir Knights, please remember that we are asking each Knight to bring a prospective new member to the meeting on March 20. We will have a short business meeting with no program reports. Following the business meeting we will open the meeting room up to our guests. At this time, each program director will give a report and/or an explanation about his program. This is a golden opportunity to recruit new members for our council. Please take advantage of this and BRING AT LEAST 1 PROSPECT!!!

Council Sponsors NCAA Bracket Contest

Thanks to Tony Dickherber for organizing a NCAA Tournament Pick Em contest through Yahoo. You can find the information regarding the rules and entry fee below, half of the pot will go to the prize pool while the other half will go to help the KofC Charities. If you have any questions get with Tony. Make sure you invite as many of your friends or co-workers to join the contest as well, the more the merrier!

In order to join the group, just go to the game front page and click on the "Sign Up" button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you already have a team, click the "Create or Join Group" button and follow the path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the following information...
Group ID#: 4854
Password: 9625

The entry fee is $10. 50% to the winner and 50% to the Harvester Knights and their Charities. All brackets must be paid for by the March 20th meeting night. Payments can be mailed to Tony Dickherber, 1 Celestial Ridge, St. Peters,MO,63376. Checks need to be made payable to Harvester KofC. Any questions call me at 636-926-7580 or cell 314-744-1969. Everyone is invited including non-Knights. Thanks.

Family Arena Dates Set for March

Here are the two dates we have for March. Please check your schedules and let Dave Meglio know if you can help. You guys did a great job at INXS in February! Thanks for all the help!!!!!
Dave Meglio
Cell: 314-610-7139
Friday March 17th 5:30-9:30pm Otters
Wednesday March 22nd 5-9:30pm Fall out Boy

Easter Carnival Upcoming

A reminder that the Easter Carnival is upcoming, scheduled for April 8 at the school cafeteria. A reminder that not only do we still need prizes for the kids, but volunteers are needed to sell advnaced tickets for the event after Masses on April 1 and 2.
We are set for attendance prizes, the gum ball count and the raffle item. We could use bags of candy for the lollie pop tree, as long as Glenn Korando can receive them well before the event. If he can't get them at least 2 weeks before, the council will have to buy them. It's to difficult to set up on a moments notice, and he needs to know how many pops to mark.
If you can help out by selling tickets, getting candy or other prizes, please let Glenn know.

Fasting Key Part of Lenten Rituals for Catholics

For an indepth look at why Catholics fast during lent, and some ideas to help you renew your faith during the Lent season, click on the headline above.

Late Dues Noticing Going Out

Reminder to those members who have yet to pay their 2006 dues, please get your dues to Gene Stark as soon as possible, as late notices will be sent and phone calls will have to start being made soon. Save the council money and Gene the time of having to make those phone calls by getting your dues paid and up-to-date.