Monday, June 12, 2006

Spaghetti Dinner Set for July 17 -- Everyone Welcome

It was decided at the June director’s meeting that we needed to do another spaghetti dinner since it has been way too long since our last one.
After some discussion of possible dates it was ultimately decided that we will hold the spaghetti dinner on July 17, which is the date for the July meeting. Families are encouraged to attend the event, which will get under way at 7:30 p.m. We will have a short (10-15 minute) program which will talk about what the Harvester Knight’s do as a council and we will also be presenting the Knight of the Year award at the dinner. If you have nominations for the KoY award you can bring them to the July director’s meeting. Please make sure you invite your family to this event. We will have a short business meeting at 6:45 to discuss any matters that need to be raised at the regular meeting and then adjourn to join our families for the spaghetti dinner at 7:30. All events will take place at the Cottleville KofC hall.
Please do your best to attend the meeting and please invite your wife or significant other and any other family members, this will be a family-friendly event. We have a First Degree scheduled for June but if you know of any possible future Knights that can’t make the June meeting the July spaghetti dinner would be an ideal time to invite them to have fellowship with the council and families.
Hope to see everyone and their families at this wonderful event.

Council T-Shirts Ordered

The council is in the process of ordering 40 t-shirts for the two teams playing in the state softball tournament, to be held June 24-25, teh shirts will cost $10 and even if you aren't a softball player you can get one by letting Dan Breneman or Kevin Smith know, thanks to Sue Young for helping out in getting the order fullfilled.

Bob Sage Back at Home

Bob Sage is back at home as of Sunday June 11, but he has to go back in to the hospital in a few weeks for some more procedures. Pease keep Bob and Rose in your prayers and feel free to give Bob a call at home to see how he is doing.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

4th Degree Assembly Has Busy Sumer Scheduled

Our Assembly has many events planned for the next four months.

On Sunday June 18 we will have the Honor Guard at the Corpus Christi Procession at 6:30 beginning at St Peters Parish in St Charles.

Our June meeting, 6/20, will be a social gathering at St Charles Hall, while the 4th of July Parade in St Charles, St Peters Old Time Picnic and Parade on 7/15.

KofC Family night at TR Hughes ballpark in O’Fallon on 8/10 for a Rascals game with the Honor Guard presenting the Flag. Tickets for this are $6.50 each and you can get yours from Mike Narkawicz (636)978-6381.

We will have an Installation Dinner at Fr. Wm. Pezold Banquet Center on 8/11. Contact Don Allen (636)978-1006 or Harry Schellenger (636)441-5894 for reservations.

And our Annual Golf Tournament at Mid Rivers Golf Center on 9/15, get your entry in early as we expect interest to be high.