Friday, December 15, 2006

Council Presents $4,600 to Care Service

The efforts of the October Trivia Knight were put to good use as members of the Harvester Council were able to present the Board of Directors for the Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service with a check for $4,600 to help their efforts.

Members of the council presented to check to the board at its December board meeting, representing the council were Kevin Smith, John Breneman, Glenn Korando, and Rich Antrobus.

Thanks to all those who helped work the trivia knight, bought a table, purchased silent auction items, bought 50-50 tickets and helped make this even one of the biggest fund raisers of the year for the council.

To see more picutres of the check presentation, click on the headline above.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

No Hunger Holiday 2006 Sets New Mark

The 2006 version of No Hunger Holiday set a new mark in feeding nearly 1,500 families and in its 16th year fed its 50,000th individual, easily making it one of the largest single day food drives in the entire metro area.
Thanks to all the Knights who helped make the event the success that it was, to see a photo album from the event, click on the headline above.