Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Free Throw Contest Draws Record Crowd

On Friday January 19th the annual Free Throw Contest was held at the Sts. Joachim and Ann gymnasium. We had 60 children attend the event for kids ages 10-14. This is the largest crowd we have had in all of the 10 years that I have been the chair person of the event. However, I can take none of the credit for the increase in the crowd size. A huge thank you goes to brother Tom Rothermich and to Dennis Henderson who publicized the event through the J& A basket ball teams. I believe that a good time was had by all of the kids that attended. A special thank also goes out to all of the brothers that helped out with the event. Rich A., Dan B., John B., Rich S., Tom R., Kevin S., Barry Y., if I am missing someone else I apologize.

The winners of the event are listed below and each of them will participate in the District competition at Duchene on February 5th.

Thanks, Melvin

2007 Winners
10. Tyler Heitmann
11. Dustin Weber
12 Austin Doeren
13 Dan Davison
14. Brian Rogan
10. Mia Merry
11. Adriana Condren
12. Emeily Echele
13. Catherine Terbrock
14. Kaitlyn Henderson

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2007 Super Bowl Council Fundraiser

Now we know the teams, some of us will be calling for Lovie, some for Manning, but we all can take a chance on the 100 squares and have fun and help the Council. $5.00 a sq. $50.00 for the score at the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters and $50.00 to the final score, the other half to the Council.

Call Mike Narkawicz at (636)978-6381 or email
And good luck to all!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Raffle Tickets on Sale for HD TV

Brother Knights,
We are doing a raffle for a fund raiser for the council.
1st prize: 42" Vizio Plasma TV
2nd prize 15" LCD Flat Panel TV
3rd prize 7" portable DVD

Player tickets are $25 tickets and are holding the raffle on March 30, 2007 or when 125 tickets get sold

Please contact Dan Breneman636-485-5931 to obtain tickets. I want to remind everyone that this is a Knights of Columbus fund raiserset up to make up for our budget shortcomings. Full Participation is requested. These are tough times for our counciland we need other ways of raising funds to support our charities.

Dan BrenemanGK

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Passing of Brother Lawrence Reuther

I want to inform you of the passing of Brother Lawrence Reuther. Larry was Brother Gene Heist's and Dan Stamer's father in law. I've included information on his wake and funeral. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Visitation is @:
Baue Funeral Home (Cave Springs)
3950 West Clay Rd.
St. Peters MO
Friday January 19th (3 - 8pm)

KofC Council Members will say the Rosary starting @ 6:30pm

Funeral Mass:
Sts J&A
Saturday January 20th @ 1:30pm

Friday, January 12, 2007

4th Degree Exemplification

The 4th Degree Exemplification will be at the St Louis Airport Marriott on Sat March 10, 2007. To be eligible you must be a member for 6 months or more, in good standing, and a 3rd Degree Knight. The cost is $70.00 and dress is black tuxedo. All applications must be read to the Assembly before they can be sent in for the Exemplification. The Assembly will meet on 1/16 and 2/19. For more information or forms call or see Mike Narkawicz (636)978-6381.