Monday, March 26, 2007

Final Call for Tartan Days Security Force

If you are going to be working security this weekend at the Tartan Days festival please shoot me an e-mail in the next day or two with what shifts you want to work and we can start to fill out the shifts. Whatever we can’t fill by Wednesday we will turn over to our partner group but that also means money lost for the council (they are going to be paying us $10 an hour to work this so it is good money for a fundraiser).
In case you forgot here is the time of the festival
Friday, March 30 5-10 p.m.
Saturday March 31, 10:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday April 1, Noon-5 p.m.
For more information you can also check out the event’s web site:

Volunteers Needed for Company Fish Fry

Once again the Knights will be doing a fish and chicken fry for the employees of Client Services Inc. in St. Charles.
The event will take place on Good Friday and should make the council $1,200, if you think you can help fry fish and chicken and serve the lunch let Kevin Smith know.

Council to Provide Security for Tartan Days Festival


We have been approached by a group putting on a festival down at Frontier Park in St. Charles to work security for their event on March 30-April 1.

All we would be responsible for is to ensure that patrons coming into the park, or those leaving the park, don’t have beer with them. They are allowed to have beer only on the park grounds and there are 5 entry points that we have been asked to staff. The council can potentially make over $1,000 for the entire weekend but I don’t want to commit until I have an idea of how many guys would be willing to work. We need at least one person per gate for the weekend but would like to get 7 people for the 5 gates for each shift. Shifts will be broken up into two hour increments. This could be a great fundraiser for the council but again, we won’t commit unless we know we can staff a large part of it. We have a potential partner to fill in the gaps that we can’t staff, but anything they fill will mean money lost for the council. This could be a good way to offset costs of the upcoming softball season as the council no longer can afford to pay for league fees. If we get enough softball players we will consider using a portion of the proceeds to help subsidize the softball fees.

You don’t have to commit to an exact shift, but the times that we need workers for are listed below. If you think you can work a portion of the weekend just let me know so we can get an idea of participation levels.

FYI, this is a Scottish festival so it should be a good time if you want to work the event and bring the family down to see the festival. We need to give them an answer probably by the end of this week so let me know if you think you would be able to help out or not.

Friday, March 30 5-10 p.m.
Saturday March 31, 10:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday April 1, Noon-5 p.m.

Easter Carnival Nearing

Dear Council members;

Easter is coming quick! I need your help! I am asking for yourassistance, once again, with the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Please startlooking at your schedules to determine your availability.

I will needpeople to sell tickets at the end of mass on the following dates,March 31st and April 1st. Also, I will need help with all aspects ofthe hunt on April 7th. If you are unable to assist with either ofthese requests then maybe you can help with a donation. I am lookingfor any type of small game prizes, large game prizes, anything whichcan be used as an attendance prize. I

am also in need of food items,the day of the egg hunt. Small cakes, cookies, donuts are the usualfair. I could use donations of paper goods as well. If you or any ofyour family members would like to help, please contact me via e-mailor by phone.

Thank you.
Glenn Korando, Director of Family Event
Harvester Knights of Columbus or 928-9144, 314-570-8139