Sunday, June 10, 2007

Rooms for State Softball Still Available

Rooms at the Comfort Suits in Columbia are still available for booking for the state softball tourney. Our room block and been released to the general public but the hotel as of Sunday, June 10, isn't sold out. Call the hotel if you have decided to get a room.

COMFORT SUITES1010 BUSINESS LOOP 70 WESTCOLUMBIA, MO 65202 USAPhone: 5734430055Fax: 5734430037Email:

Summer 2007 Newsletter Posted

The first installment of the new quarterly newsletter has been published, click on the link below to view it.

Blood Drive Set for June 24

Hurrah !!!! Hurrah !!!! Please forward on to all KnghtsThe Blood Drive is rescheduled for Sunday, June 24th. We have a meetingbetween now and then and I'll be there. Now if all the Knights that showup for a meeting would just turn out to give blood we could make ourgoal.

However, we must have some real squeamish Knights out there !!!Come out !!! Come out !!!Gene HeistSign up attached !!! I hope the same guys who signed up for the 17th canstill work the same times on the 24th? If not let me know. Gene(Seeattached file: 6-24-07 BLOOD DRIVE SIGNUP.doc)