Sts. Joachim and Ann Parishioners are now aware of the construction that has begun on the new Parish Center and have seen the impact on available parking. I want to thank each of you who assisted with parking since the Adopt-A-Family weekend. Your efforts Christmas weekend was very much noticed by other parish members and clergy.
This parking procedure and need for volunteers will continue through August, though it is anticipated that less bodies will be required with the increased familiarity by the parishioners. I am enlisting each Knight who is a member of Sts. Joachim and Ann to contact me and volunteer for a Mass parking team that will be scheduled just as an usher is scheduled to serve the Parish. It is not difficult and if enough teams are formed, the burden to serve will be minimized. Until we are able to reach all parish members, I am asking that you volunteer to work the equivalent of a Mass a week or every other week. The actual schedule will be perfected as we go, but your patience is also being requested.
Anticipated time slots will include: Saturday 4:30-6:15 (5 people for 5:00 Mass entry & dismissal); Sunday 6:45-8:45 (3 people for entry & dismissal of 7:15 Mass & 5 people for entry of 8:45 Mass); Sunday 9:45-10:30 (5 people for dismissal of 8:45 Mass & entry of 10:30 Mass); Sunday 11:30-12:15 (4 people for dismissal of 10:30 Mass & entry of 12:15 Mass); and Sunday 1:15 (3 people for dismissal of 12:15 Mass). Please contact me at (636)978-0234; (314)422-1691; or for your commitment.
Thanks for all who have already contributed to this “ministry”!!!
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