Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Easter Carnival Donations Needed

That time of year is rapidly approaching, the annual Joachim and Ann Easter egg hunt. This year's festivities will be held on Saturday, March 26th from 10:00 am to noon. I have decided to change the name to Easter carnival and egg hunt as this seems to fit the festivities a little better.
Once again I am in need of your services. I will require any Knight, there wives and or teenage children to assist with this years function. I will be sending out an e-mail for people to sign up and help with this years function. I will need people to help set up, run and clean up. I will also need donations from those of you that can.
Snacks!!! Lots of cookies, small cakes, donuts, etc., plastic ware, 8-12 oz cups, 8-12 oz insulated cups for coffee, paper plates, drinks( Kool -Aid, lemonade, instant please, enough to make several gallons), and most of all any item which can be used as a prize, whether it be a door prize, a small prize to redeem for a ticket in an egg or penny game prizes. Unfortunately, my sources for such items have not produced sufficient quantities and to keep the cost down I am looking to you for donations.
Please, anytime you or your wife are in a store look through the clearance items and pick up anything you think would work. Keep it as cheap as you can! and as many as you can afford. Every little bit helps. E-mail me if you have products to donate and I will make arrangements to pick them up.
Guy's, this is important, start looking now, don't wait until the night before thinking you can just run to Walgreens and pick up something, this isn't what I am asking of you. I'm looking for penny items, things to use as prizes for the games the children play, Lots of JUNK, JUNK, JUNK, bubble gum machine items.
I know this is asking a lot from you, but if we all search, even raid our kids rooms for items they no longer need or use, we could come up with a substantial pile of JUNK to give away. Contact me as soon as you have something.
Thanks for your help in this matter. With your help, this will be the best Easter Carnival ever.
Glenn Korando, Family Director

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