Saturday, February 19, 2005

Grand Knights Column -- Feb.

I've got a couple of short subjects that I wish to touch on this month.
The first one is why someone might consider joining the Knights and why you would or should stay in the Knights.
The answer, quite simply, is that if you want to help others in your local parish and the community around you then you should join the Knights. If you want to experience a broader sense of friendship with your fellow Catholics by helping others then you've come to the right place. If you want to have the opportunity to help your brothers in their time of need and create a much larger extended family that will help you in your time of need then the Knights is for you.
This organization has never been a place that I would join to network, but at the same time I enjoy helping my fellow Knights when they need it. I want to see our members succeed in their business ventures and I want all their families to have strong loving relationships.
I revel in the successes of their children and I feel their pain when they fail just like their children are part of my own family.
In this fast paced world where we know fewer and fewer of our immediate neighbors around us and our sense of community is shrinking, the Knights is a fantastic supplement because of our similar beliefs and family values. All you have to do to make this a reality is not be a name on a list. Get involved! Say yes the next time one of your brother Knights calls or emails you for your help and it will be the beginning of a very enjoyable experience.
I've also want to touch a little bit on our email list. Our list is meant to be used by our members to conduct the business of the brotherhood. It is not meant to send out jokes, so please if you have a joke that you would like to share with a few of your brothers please refrain from sending it our to the whole list. You could offend another brother Knight with out even knowing it.
Thanks again for your time,

Dave Meglio

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