Friday, December 15, 2006

Council Presents $4,600 to Care Service

The efforts of the October Trivia Knight were put to good use as members of the Harvester Council were able to present the Board of Directors for the Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service with a check for $4,600 to help their efforts.

Members of the council presented to check to the board at its December board meeting, representing the council were Kevin Smith, John Breneman, Glenn Korando, and Rich Antrobus.

Thanks to all those who helped work the trivia knight, bought a table, purchased silent auction items, bought 50-50 tickets and helped make this even one of the biggest fund raisers of the year for the council.

To see more picutres of the check presentation, click on the headline above.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

No Hunger Holiday 2006 Sets New Mark

The 2006 version of No Hunger Holiday set a new mark in feeding nearly 1,500 families and in its 16th year fed its 50,000th individual, easily making it one of the largest single day food drives in the entire metro area.
Thanks to all the Knights who helped make the event the success that it was, to see a photo album from the event, click on the headline above.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

No Hunger Holiday Tuesday, Nov. 21

Don't forget that Tuesday, Nov. 21 is No Hunger Holiday.
Once again the council has set a new record for meals, and will be giving out nearly 1,500 complete meals for families to cook in their homes and share with their family and friends for Thanksgiving.
If you haven't doanted your turkey yet make sure you bring one by this weekend or to the meeting on Monday evening. Volunteers are also welcome on Tuesday to help fill the boxes and complete other tasks that day.
For more information check out the No Hunger Holiday website by clicking on the link below or the headline above:

2007 Budget Released, Available for Review

The initial 2007 budget for the Harvester Knights of Columbus has been released and is avalible for review prior to discussion and voting at the November and December meetings.
If you want to get a copy prior to a meeting drop an e-mail to John Breneman and he can send you the file.

Adopt-A-Family Signups Needed

The council has been assigned its Adopt-A-Family for the holiday season. Get with Dan Breneman to find out what needs are still out there or check the board at an upcoming meeting.

Free Throw Contest Set

The Harvester KofC Free Throw Contest has been set for Friday Jan. 19 @ the new J&A gym.
Exact times will be announced later, but make sure to mark your calendar for the date and encourage any youth that you know to attend.

Crazy Bowl Sees Good Turnout

Once again the Crazy Bowl had a great turnout and special thanks to Tom Lyons and Mike Sage for planning such a great and fun event.
To see a slideshow of some photos from the event (warning some of them are dark) click on the link below or the headline above:

Trivia Knigth 2006 Huge Success

The 2006 version of the Harvester Knights of Columbus Trivia Knight saw a slight decrease in the number of tables, but thanks to everyone who came out to play or volunteer, it appears that we will be able to make a donation to the Care Service for at least $4,000.
To see a slideshow of photos from the event, click here or on the headline above:

Blood Drive Dates Set for 2007

Mark your calendar for the 2007 blood drive dates, both the work and our volunteer.
For 2007 the council will be using Mississippi Valley Blood Services for its blood drives, ensuring that all blood donated stays in the local area.
The dates for the 2007 drives are:
Jan 21st
Mar 25th
June 17

Monday, September 18, 2006

Registration Underway for Trivia Knight Tables

Don't forget to register your team now for the annual Trivia Knight.

This year's event will take place on Oct. 28 at the J&A Cafeteria. If you reserve your table now you can save $40 as tables are $160 for 8 in advance but will be $200 for 8 the day of the event.

This year's event will have all the popular offerings, including:

􀂾 Cash prizes for winners
􀂾 50-50 Drawing
􀂾 Silent Auction
􀂾 Beer and setups included
􀂾Prizes for best male and
female Halloween costumes
􀂾 Door Prizes
􀂾 Interactive Presentation

Doors will open at 6:30 with trivia starting at 7, for more information or to reserve your team, contact Glenn Korando at: or 636-928-9144

A Portion of the proceeds this year will go to help the Sts. J&A Care Service, so let's do our part to sell this event out and give the Care Service our biggest donation yet.

Trio of Big Events Slated for October

A trio of KofC related events are on tap for the month of October that members may be interested in participating in.

The council will host its annual Crazy Bowl for its members and friends on Oct. 21 at St. Charles Lanes. Once again the event will have a great silent auction, and the $15 per person cost includes 3 games of bowling, beer, soda, and snacks. Attendance prizes will also be awarded and items up for bid in the auction include an autographed Blues jersey, and loads of sports and TV related items. Four bowlers to a lane.

On Oct. 28, the council will host its annual Trivia Knight, with a portion of the proceeds this year earmarked to benefit the Care Service. Cost is $20 with tables of 8. Sign up now as tables will go fast and will be $200 the day of the event.

The O'Fallon Council #2269 will be hosting the 2006 Missouri Knights of Columbus Bowling Tournament on the weekends of October 28 - 29 and November 4 -5 at the O'Fallon Bowl.

To reserve your lane for the Crazy Bowl contact Mike Sage @ 636.928.2490 or Tom Lyons @ 636.928.0036.

To reserve your table of 8 for the Trivia Knight contact Glenn Korando or see the information on the blog.

For more information regarding the state bowling tournament, click here:

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Family Picnic Approaching

Just a quick reminder that Sept. the 9th is our scheduled Knightsfamily reunion/picnic.

We have the pavilion at the Saint Peters CityHall reserved the entire day. (It is the same pavilion the 4th degreeuses.) I figure a noon to when ever time table is convenient for all. Please bring the following items: BYOM, BYOB, a dish to share (yourchoice) and any outdoor games or activities you may have.

I amplanning a washers tournament, so if you have pits please bring them!This will be fun for all. Come and go as you please but try to makean appearance. I look forward in seeing you all soon.

Director of Family events, Glenn Korando

Monday, July 31, 2006

Martchink Surgery Goes Well

The First Surgery was Wednesday, this was the ablation part. This surgery is designed to “”Burn-Off”” the additional electrical connections or impulses that caused the heart to beat out of rhythm – top of heart beating at 188 beats per minute verse the bottom of the heart beating at 70 beats per minute.

To many chiefs and not enough Indians to carry the load.

The Second Surgery was Thursday afternoon - this was for the implant of a Pacemaker-Defibrillator.

Initially, we were under the impression that everything would be done at the same time first surgery took 4 hours 10 minutes to “”clean up”” the miss fires and other testing. The second was just under 3 hours, so I was on the table for a little over 7 hours.

There was some minor problems at first, but the Tech from Medtronic’s came in around 8.00PM Thursday Evening an made some adjustments in the Pacemaker-Defibrillator. He put a Modem over the Pacemaker-Defibrillator and made the necessary adjustments. In a couple of weeks I get a device to attaché to the bedroom phone that will monitor the heart at night or whenever I get within 12 feet,

I have to wear a sling on my left arm for the next few weeks, current plans are back to driving and other activities in 3 weeks.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Prayers Needed for Clifton Family

It is very uncharacteristic for me to ask for anything; however, I was wondering if you could ask the knights to pray for my wife and sister and for support to the families (kids, siblings and parents).

My wife, Kathy Clifton, is in advanced stages of ovarian cancer and not doing well at all. My sister was recently told that her pancreatic cancer has spread to her liver and has been given 6-12 months.

Jeff Clifton

Friday, July 14, 2006

4Th Degree Golf Tourney Set

The 4th Degree Assembly will have its 12th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, September15, 2006 at Mid Rivers Golf Center, 4100 Mid Rivers Mall Dr in St Peters. Cart, Greens Fee, Lunch, cold beverages all day long, Dinner & Drinks, Attendance Prizes and Raffle Prizes all for an Entry Fee of $80.00!

Lunch begins at 11:30, shotgun start with a Four Person scramble at 1:00. We still are looking for Hole Sponsors, Raffle and Attendance gifts. Contact Mike Narkawicz (636)978-6381for Entry Forms, Hole Sponsor information, or further informatio

Monday, July 10, 2006

Spaghetti Dinner Approaching

Don't forget that in place of the July meeting we are having a Spaghetti Dinner.

One of the main reasons for doing this dinner is becase it has been to long since we last did one and the director's decided that doing it on a meeting night might make it easier for those with families to attend along with their families.

We will have our meeting at 7 p.m. and it will be brief and we will shoot to start the spaghetti dinner at 7:30. The diner will also include a very short program that will include a little presentation on what the council does, so our families have a better idea of what we are doing while we are away from home, and also to present the Knight of the Year award.

Make sure to invite all of your family and other friends who might make good knights, they can even invite their families too.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Medical Updates on Members

Both Mike Thomas and Bob Sage are recovering nicely from recent procedures and wish to thank everyone in teh council for their thoughts and prayers.

Mike had a knee replacement operation done last month but is at home and on the road to recovery.

Bob, menawhile, had a serious of heart-related procedures done and while he still faces a few more in the next coming months he is doing much better.

Thanks again to everyone for keeping them in your thoughts and continue to pray for them as they heal.

Annual 4th Degree Golf Tournament for Charities Approaching

Our 4th Degree Assembly will have its 12th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, September15, 2006 at Mid Rivers Golf Center, 4100 Mid Rivers Mall Dr in St Peters. Cart, Greens Fee, Lunch, cold beverages all day long, Dinner & Drinks, Attendance Prizes and Raffle Prizes all for an Entry Fee of $80.00!

Lunch begins at 11:30, shotgun start with a Four Person scramble at 1:00.

We still are looking for Hole Sponsors, Raffle and Attendance gifts.

Contact Mike Narkawicz (636)978-6381 for Entry Forms, Hole Sponsor information, or further information.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Spaghetti Dinner Set for July 17 -- Everyone Welcome

It was decided at the June director’s meeting that we needed to do another spaghetti dinner since it has been way too long since our last one.
After some discussion of possible dates it was ultimately decided that we will hold the spaghetti dinner on July 17, which is the date for the July meeting. Families are encouraged to attend the event, which will get under way at 7:30 p.m. We will have a short (10-15 minute) program which will talk about what the Harvester Knight’s do as a council and we will also be presenting the Knight of the Year award at the dinner. If you have nominations for the KoY award you can bring them to the July director’s meeting. Please make sure you invite your family to this event. We will have a short business meeting at 6:45 to discuss any matters that need to be raised at the regular meeting and then adjourn to join our families for the spaghetti dinner at 7:30. All events will take place at the Cottleville KofC hall.
Please do your best to attend the meeting and please invite your wife or significant other and any other family members, this will be a family-friendly event. We have a First Degree scheduled for June but if you know of any possible future Knights that can’t make the June meeting the July spaghetti dinner would be an ideal time to invite them to have fellowship with the council and families.
Hope to see everyone and their families at this wonderful event.

Council T-Shirts Ordered

The council is in the process of ordering 40 t-shirts for the two teams playing in the state softball tournament, to be held June 24-25, teh shirts will cost $10 and even if you aren't a softball player you can get one by letting Dan Breneman or Kevin Smith know, thanks to Sue Young for helping out in getting the order fullfilled.

Bob Sage Back at Home

Bob Sage is back at home as of Sunday June 11, but he has to go back in to the hospital in a few weeks for some more procedures. Pease keep Bob and Rose in your prayers and feel free to give Bob a call at home to see how he is doing.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

4th Degree Assembly Has Busy Sumer Scheduled

Our Assembly has many events planned for the next four months.

On Sunday June 18 we will have the Honor Guard at the Corpus Christi Procession at 6:30 beginning at St Peters Parish in St Charles.

Our June meeting, 6/20, will be a social gathering at St Charles Hall, while the 4th of July Parade in St Charles, St Peters Old Time Picnic and Parade on 7/15.

KofC Family night at TR Hughes ballpark in O’Fallon on 8/10 for a Rascals game with the Honor Guard presenting the Flag. Tickets for this are $6.50 each and you can get yours from Mike Narkawicz (636)978-6381.

We will have an Installation Dinner at Fr. Wm. Pezold Banquet Center on 8/11. Contact Don Allen (636)978-1006 or Harry Schellenger (636)441-5894 for reservations.

And our Annual Golf Tournament at Mid Rivers Golf Center on 9/15, get your entry in early as we expect interest to be high.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bob Sage Update

Update on my Dad...he is still in the ICU but is doing much better.

The doctors took him off of the oxygen and the heart monitors and are still giving him antibiotics and inhalers to battle the pneumonia. He was able to get into regular clothes today (Sunday 5/14) and get up to take walks around ICU. They still don't know yet why he doesn't have much energy and he still has a test scheduled for Monday at Noon. Hopefully after the test or early Tuesday they'll release him to come home.

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes, we've passed them onto Dad and he appreciates them all.

I will keep you posted on his progress.

Again, on behalf of Dad and Mom and the rest of the family...thank you for your prayers.

Donna, John and Shawn Chaffee

Blood Drive Date Set

The blood drive will be June 25.

Community Blood Services will be the service provider.

Contact Gene Heist for more information or to sign up. Remember this is also the weekend of the state softball tournament so many of the workers and donors will be in Columbia so any extra help would be greatly appreciated.

Family Camp-out Canceled

It is with much regret, that this years camp-out has to be canceled! I have relatives coming in from out of town on that week end.

Unfortunately, I can not work my schedule to accommodate both. Family is the corner stone of the Knights and as with all families, family comes first. I hope to keep you abreast of any further activities I am planing.

Thanks for your help and understanding.

Glenn Korando

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bob Sage Hospitalized

Brothers,Please pass the word along that we may keep Bob Sagein our prayers.
He went into the hospital Thursday with pneumonia. He is currrently still in ICU and they are runningseveral tests to see if he has any internal bleedingdue to him appearing anemic.
I have been asked to let you know that he is not readyfor visitors but they will keep us posted on hiscondition.Please keep the Sage family in your prayers!!!!!
Thank You
Dan BrenemanGK

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Corr Returns from New Orleans

Denny Corr and wife Bard recently returned from a trip to New Orleans where work continues on homes that were devastated by hurricane Katrina.

The Corr's were part of a group assembled trough St. Joe Cottelville and part of the trip was subsidized by donation from the Harvester Knights of Columbus.

If anyone would be interested in forming a group fo Knights and others to head down for some time to spend in helping with the re-hab effort of the city, let Kevin Smith know.

To view some photos taken by Denny during his trip, click on the headline above.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Easter Carnival Pics Posted

Click on the link below to checkout an online photo album from the 2006 Easter Carnival at Sts. J&A. You can order pictures directly from the link to your nearest Target store photo center (see details on link).

Easter Carnival Smashing Success

I would like to extend my extreme gratitude to all of you, your wonderful family members and friends, which helped put on one of our most successful Easter Carnivals to date. With out the generous help provided by you, the event would be nonexistent!

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I heard from a multitude of parents as they were leaving, just how wonderful this year’s event was, and its all thanks to you. I hope that I can count on each and every one of you for next year’s event.

Please keep in mind that suggestions are always welcome and that I am currently looking for an assistant. As this event continues to grow it is becoming harder and harder to do alone. Please, anyone interested in assisting with the family directorship, contact me at 636-928-9144 or 314-570-8139 anytime. God bless you all!

My greatest respect and admirations goes out to you all,
Glenn Korando

EDITOR'S NOTE: A special note of thanks goes out to Glenn Korando for all the hard work and organizing efforts he put into not only this year's Easter Carnival but all of the last three or four that he has done. Glenn does a wonderful job of making sure all the advanced details are taken care of and rounding up volunteers to make sure the event goes off without a hitch, which it certainly did this year. Good job once again Glenn, and we thank you so much for spearheading this event, photos will be updated soon from the Easter Carnival.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Easter Carnival Approaching Fast

Its down to the wire, our annual J&A Easter Carnival is just a few days away!

I am still looking for volunteers to help with various duties. If you can possibly make it to J&A between 9:00am and 1:00pm, this Saturday, April the 8th, your help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm also in need of snacks for the Carnival. Anyone interested in bringing small cakes, cookies, donuts, etc. please have them to the J&A cafeteria by 9:00am Saturday morning. A special thanks to all the guys that have helped out, thus for, with preparation and advanced ticket sales,

I hope to see all my brother Knights very soon.

Sincerely, Glenn Korando

Blodd Drive Dates Set

The next three blood drives for Sts. J &A have been set. The next three blood drives will be:
June 11 - Cafeteria
Aug 27 - Parish Center
Nov 5 - Parish center
Make sure you mark the dates down in your calendar to give blood and/or help work the event.

Special Fundraiser Scheduled, Help Needed

The Harvester Knights have been approached by officials at Clients Services Inc. in St. Charles to provide fish and chicken for its employee recognition lunch on Friday, April 14.
This has the potential to be a huge fund raiser for the council and we are asking for as many volunteers as possible to help cook and serve the meal. The first serving will take place at 11 a.m. with the last group taking their lunch at noon, so anyone that can work that day between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. would be greatly appreacited.
If you think you can help, contact Kevin Smith for more information ( or (314.623.2744).
Peace out

Sunday, March 12, 2006

March meeting is Open House

Sir Knights, please remember that we are asking each Knight to bring a prospective new member to the meeting on March 20. We will have a short business meeting with no program reports. Following the business meeting we will open the meeting room up to our guests. At this time, each program director will give a report and/or an explanation about his program. This is a golden opportunity to recruit new members for our council. Please take advantage of this and BRING AT LEAST 1 PROSPECT!!!

Council Sponsors NCAA Bracket Contest

Thanks to Tony Dickherber for organizing a NCAA Tournament Pick Em contest through Yahoo. You can find the information regarding the rules and entry fee below, half of the pot will go to the prize pool while the other half will go to help the KofC Charities. If you have any questions get with Tony. Make sure you invite as many of your friends or co-workers to join the contest as well, the more the merrier!

In order to join the group, just go to the game front page and click on the "Sign Up" button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you already have a team, click the "Create or Join Group" button and follow the path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the following information...
Group ID#: 4854
Password: 9625

The entry fee is $10. 50% to the winner and 50% to the Harvester Knights and their Charities. All brackets must be paid for by the March 20th meeting night. Payments can be mailed to Tony Dickherber, 1 Celestial Ridge, St. Peters,MO,63376. Checks need to be made payable to Harvester KofC. Any questions call me at 636-926-7580 or cell 314-744-1969. Everyone is invited including non-Knights. Thanks.

Family Arena Dates Set for March

Here are the two dates we have for March. Please check your schedules and let Dave Meglio know if you can help. You guys did a great job at INXS in February! Thanks for all the help!!!!!
Dave Meglio
Cell: 314-610-7139
Friday March 17th 5:30-9:30pm Otters
Wednesday March 22nd 5-9:30pm Fall out Boy

Easter Carnival Upcoming

A reminder that the Easter Carnival is upcoming, scheduled for April 8 at the school cafeteria. A reminder that not only do we still need prizes for the kids, but volunteers are needed to sell advnaced tickets for the event after Masses on April 1 and 2.
We are set for attendance prizes, the gum ball count and the raffle item. We could use bags of candy for the lollie pop tree, as long as Glenn Korando can receive them well before the event. If he can't get them at least 2 weeks before, the council will have to buy them. It's to difficult to set up on a moments notice, and he needs to know how many pops to mark.
If you can help out by selling tickets, getting candy or other prizes, please let Glenn know.

Fasting Key Part of Lenten Rituals for Catholics

For an indepth look at why Catholics fast during lent, and some ideas to help you renew your faith during the Lent season, click on the headline above.

Late Dues Noticing Going Out

Reminder to those members who have yet to pay their 2006 dues, please get your dues to Gene Stark as soon as possible, as late notices will be sent and phone calls will have to start being made soon. Save the council money and Gene the time of having to make those phone calls by getting your dues paid and up-to-date.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Service for Kendra Davis Announced

Many of you may not be aware that Kendra Davis, wife of brother Knight Dan Davis passed away yesterday morning do to complications from breast cancer.

Services will be held at Baue at 70 and Cave Springs in St Peters.Visitation will be Saturday from 5-9pm and the service will be 4pm on Sunday.The phone # is 636-240-2242

3950 West Clay
St Charles MO 63301
In liu of flowers donations can be made to

Kendra Davis Cancer Care
c/o Bank of America
1555 Jungermann Rd St. Peters 63376
(via phone contact Susan at 636-928-1148)
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service 4112 McClay St Charles 63304

Donations will be collected at the funeral home too!

Please keep their family in your prayers!

Please Keep Young's in Your Prayers

For those of you who haven't heard yet, please keep Barry and Sue Young in your prayers. The Young's home in Spencer Creek subdivision suffered a major fire on Thursday evening which destroyed the second level of their home (the level where their bedrooms, clothes, and other personal items were located). Thankfully no one was hurt in the fire and Barry, Sue, Thomas and Maddi all are OK. Also the Young's insurance company has stepped up and done a fabulous job finding them temporary housing at a local hotel until they can secure more short-term housing in an apartment while repairs are being done on their home, which the insurance company says could take as long as 12 weeks.
At this time Barry has said that the family is being accommodated by the insurance company and they were able to get replacement clothes and other essentials on Friday. But we ask that you still keep the entire Young family in your thoughts and prayers as they deal with aftermath of the home fire. Barry did want to pass on regards to everyone and thank all of the Brother Knights who have been calling to enquire about their well being and ask what assistance could be offered to them. He said he is very thankful for everyone's support and gives great thanks to God that no one in the family was hurt.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for the Young's safety and please keep them in your prayers over the upcoming months.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Free Throw Contest Winners Honored

The council had five different winners at its Free Throw Contest for boys and girls aged 10-14 in late January.
The group advanced to the District Free Throw contest where they were presented with trophies from Grand Knight Dan Breneman and Deputy Grand Knight Kevin Smith.
The five winners were:
Shelby Mueller in the 10 year-old girls division
Dustin Weber in the 10 year-old boys division
Jake Stumpf in the 11 year-old boys division
Emily Echele in the 11 year-old girls division
Elizabeth Knobbe in the 14 year-old girls division.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Unfortunately all the Council winners were unable to advance out of the district contest, with all of them having great showings and losing out by only 1 or 2 made free throws against their fellow shooters. Thanks again to all those who participated and we will see you all again at the gym next year.
To view a slideshow of the winners, click on the headline above.

4th Degree Exemplification Scheduled for April 1 -- NO JOKE!!

The 4th Degree Exemplification will be at the St Louis Airport Marriott Hotel at I-70 and Lambert Field on Saturday April 1, 2006. Any 3rd Degree member in good standing who has been a member for 6 months is eligible. The cost is $65.00 and includes the Degree, 4th Degree pin, a social baldric, certificate, and one banquet ticket. Additional banquet tickets are available for $31.00. There will be an information night at the Cottelville K of C Hall on March 8 at 7:00 pm. There will be a luncheon and entertainment for the ladies while the Exemplification is in progress. Your Form 4 and full payment need to be read and approved by the Assembly before the Exemplification, ( by the March 21 meeting at the latest). If you are interested you can contact Mike Narkawicz, (636) 978-6381 for more information and a Form 4.

Harvester To Host 4th Degree Meeting for March

Harvester Council will be the host for the March 21,2006 4th Degree Assembly meeting and the clean up Council for the February 21, 2006 meeting. As the host, we will be responsible for providing the meat and deserts for the March meeting. As the clean up Council, we will collect the dinner money, pick up the trash, and wash the dishes at the February meeting. The Assembly will host the 4th Degree Exemplification on April 1, 2006 and is in need of help for that weekend. Any one who is a 4th Degree is asked to come to the February and March meetings and see if there is an area you would be interested in helping out. We will need people to set up on Friday, man the hospitality room, the rental room Saturday morning, and many other areas.

Council Member Heads to New Orleans for Aid Work

Harvester Knights of Columbus member Doug Helfrich spent part of his Christmas vacation helping Katrina victims in the New Orleans area. Doug was joined by his wife Stephanie and his two sons Patrick and Ryan.
Click on the headline below to see Doug's online photo album of their work in New Orleans.
If you are interested in a joining a group of other Knights from our council and area contact Kevin Smith ( as he is trying to set something up with the Supreme Council if there are enough interested people in heading down there, as you can see from the photos there is still a lot of work that has to be done in order to get people's lives back on track in the effected areas.
A special kudos to Doug and his family for making such a great sacrifice over the holidays and living God's work.

Book Looks at Life of Fr. McGivney

Parish Priest -- Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism, a new biography on the Order's founder, is now available online. Written by best-selling author Douglas Brinkley and Julie M. Fenster, the book is a fascinating account of Father McGivney's world and the people who influenced him and came to know his greatness.
If you are intersted in ordering a copy of the book, go to the link below.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Community Events Listed

In order to help promote and spread the word about various events in the community and that are fundrasiers for youth and family and friends of Knights we are updating the Yahoo Group to include a speial section in the "Calendar" area that will allow us to promote events that aren't directly for the Knights of Columbus.
This month there are two events that are included in the calendar for March. The Duchense High School booster club is holding a Texas Hold 'Em tournament on March 18 while Avalon Soccer Club will also be holding a Hold 'Em fundraiser tournament on Saturday March 13. Details for each event can be found on the Yahoo Group page.
If you have an event you would like to include in this second just send the info or an official event flyer to Kevin Smith ( and he will include it in the group.
If you haven't done so yet, make sure you sign up for the Harvester KofC Yahoo Group, you can do so by going here:
Subscribe to harvesterkofc
Powered by

Monday, January 09, 2006

Fundraiser Ideas Sought

The officers and directors are sending out an invite to all members of the council to come to the Feb. Directors meetings with ideas for possible fund raisers for the 2006 year. In the past we have had fish fries, trivia knights, poker knights, and a host of other activities to help supplement funds we get from UMB and Family Arena. We would like to explore some new and fresh ideas of ways we can raise significant money throughout the year, or at a one-time event. Please come to the Feb. meeting to help with the brainstorming ideas. If you can't make the meeting but have a few ideas you would like to throw out there for consideration make sure to let one of the officers or directors know.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Roses for Life Raises Money for Pro-Life Causes

Thanks to all those who worked the tables after masses this weekend for the Roses for Life. Deaton will have a final count on how much money we raised for the program that helps excepted mothers get through their pregancy within a few days.

Family Arena Events for Jan.

We have two Jan. events for the Family Arena. There is a SLU basketball game on Thursday Jan. 26, and a boxing event on Sat. Jan 14. If you are free and willing to work either event get in touch with Dave Meglio.

First Degree at Jan. Meeting

Don't forget we will have a First Degree at the Jan. meeting (Jan. 16) so if you have any potential Knights make sure to bring them to the meeting.