Monday, February 06, 2006

Harvester To Host 4th Degree Meeting for March

Harvester Council will be the host for the March 21,2006 4th Degree Assembly meeting and the clean up Council for the February 21, 2006 meeting. As the host, we will be responsible for providing the meat and deserts for the March meeting. As the clean up Council, we will collect the dinner money, pick up the trash, and wash the dishes at the February meeting. The Assembly will host the 4th Degree Exemplification on April 1, 2006 and is in need of help for that weekend. Any one who is a 4th Degree is asked to come to the February and March meetings and see if there is an area you would be interested in helping out. We will need people to set up on Friday, man the hospitality room, the rental room Saturday morning, and many other areas.

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