Monday, February 06, 2006

4th Degree Exemplification Scheduled for April 1 -- NO JOKE!!

The 4th Degree Exemplification will be at the St Louis Airport Marriott Hotel at I-70 and Lambert Field on Saturday April 1, 2006. Any 3rd Degree member in good standing who has been a member for 6 months is eligible. The cost is $65.00 and includes the Degree, 4th Degree pin, a social baldric, certificate, and one banquet ticket. Additional banquet tickets are available for $31.00. There will be an information night at the Cottelville K of C Hall on March 8 at 7:00 pm. There will be a luncheon and entertainment for the ladies while the Exemplification is in progress. Your Form 4 and full payment need to be read and approved by the Assembly before the Exemplification, ( by the March 21 meeting at the latest). If you are interested you can contact Mike Narkawicz, (636) 978-6381 for more information and a Form 4.

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