Friday, February 17, 2006

Service for Kendra Davis Announced

Many of you may not be aware that Kendra Davis, wife of brother Knight Dan Davis passed away yesterday morning do to complications from breast cancer.

Services will be held at Baue at 70 and Cave Springs in St Peters.Visitation will be Saturday from 5-9pm and the service will be 4pm on Sunday.The phone # is 636-240-2242

3950 West Clay
St Charles MO 63301
In liu of flowers donations can be made to

Kendra Davis Cancer Care
c/o Bank of America
1555 Jungermann Rd St. Peters 63376
(via phone contact Susan at 636-928-1148)
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service 4112 McClay St Charles 63304

Donations will be collected at the funeral home too!

Please keep their family in your prayers!

Please Keep Young's in Your Prayers

For those of you who haven't heard yet, please keep Barry and Sue Young in your prayers. The Young's home in Spencer Creek subdivision suffered a major fire on Thursday evening which destroyed the second level of their home (the level where their bedrooms, clothes, and other personal items were located). Thankfully no one was hurt in the fire and Barry, Sue, Thomas and Maddi all are OK. Also the Young's insurance company has stepped up and done a fabulous job finding them temporary housing at a local hotel until they can secure more short-term housing in an apartment while repairs are being done on their home, which the insurance company says could take as long as 12 weeks.
At this time Barry has said that the family is being accommodated by the insurance company and they were able to get replacement clothes and other essentials on Friday. But we ask that you still keep the entire Young family in your thoughts and prayers as they deal with aftermath of the home fire. Barry did want to pass on regards to everyone and thank all of the Brother Knights who have been calling to enquire about their well being and ask what assistance could be offered to them. He said he is very thankful for everyone's support and gives great thanks to God that no one in the family was hurt.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for the Young's safety and please keep them in your prayers over the upcoming months.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Free Throw Contest Winners Honored

The council had five different winners at its Free Throw Contest for boys and girls aged 10-14 in late January.
The group advanced to the District Free Throw contest where they were presented with trophies from Grand Knight Dan Breneman and Deputy Grand Knight Kevin Smith.
The five winners were:
Shelby Mueller in the 10 year-old girls division
Dustin Weber in the 10 year-old boys division
Jake Stumpf in the 11 year-old boys division
Emily Echele in the 11 year-old girls division
Elizabeth Knobbe in the 14 year-old girls division.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Unfortunately all the Council winners were unable to advance out of the district contest, with all of them having great showings and losing out by only 1 or 2 made free throws against their fellow shooters. Thanks again to all those who participated and we will see you all again at the gym next year.
To view a slideshow of the winners, click on the headline above.

4th Degree Exemplification Scheduled for April 1 -- NO JOKE!!

The 4th Degree Exemplification will be at the St Louis Airport Marriott Hotel at I-70 and Lambert Field on Saturday April 1, 2006. Any 3rd Degree member in good standing who has been a member for 6 months is eligible. The cost is $65.00 and includes the Degree, 4th Degree pin, a social baldric, certificate, and one banquet ticket. Additional banquet tickets are available for $31.00. There will be an information night at the Cottelville K of C Hall on March 8 at 7:00 pm. There will be a luncheon and entertainment for the ladies while the Exemplification is in progress. Your Form 4 and full payment need to be read and approved by the Assembly before the Exemplification, ( by the March 21 meeting at the latest). If you are interested you can contact Mike Narkawicz, (636) 978-6381 for more information and a Form 4.

Harvester To Host 4th Degree Meeting for March

Harvester Council will be the host for the March 21,2006 4th Degree Assembly meeting and the clean up Council for the February 21, 2006 meeting. As the host, we will be responsible for providing the meat and deserts for the March meeting. As the clean up Council, we will collect the dinner money, pick up the trash, and wash the dishes at the February meeting. The Assembly will host the 4th Degree Exemplification on April 1, 2006 and is in need of help for that weekend. Any one who is a 4th Degree is asked to come to the February and March meetings and see if there is an area you would be interested in helping out. We will need people to set up on Friday, man the hospitality room, the rental room Saturday morning, and many other areas.

Council Member Heads to New Orleans for Aid Work

Harvester Knights of Columbus member Doug Helfrich spent part of his Christmas vacation helping Katrina victims in the New Orleans area. Doug was joined by his wife Stephanie and his two sons Patrick and Ryan.
Click on the headline below to see Doug's online photo album of their work in New Orleans.
If you are interested in a joining a group of other Knights from our council and area contact Kevin Smith ( as he is trying to set something up with the Supreme Council if there are enough interested people in heading down there, as you can see from the photos there is still a lot of work that has to be done in order to get people's lives back on track in the effected areas.
A special kudos to Doug and his family for making such a great sacrifice over the holidays and living God's work.

Book Looks at Life of Fr. McGivney

Parish Priest -- Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism, a new biography on the Order's founder, is now available online. Written by best-selling author Douglas Brinkley and Julie M. Fenster, the book is a fascinating account of Father McGivney's world and the people who influenced him and came to know his greatness.
If you are intersted in ordering a copy of the book, go to the link below.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Community Events Listed

In order to help promote and spread the word about various events in the community and that are fundrasiers for youth and family and friends of Knights we are updating the Yahoo Group to include a speial section in the "Calendar" area that will allow us to promote events that aren't directly for the Knights of Columbus.
This month there are two events that are included in the calendar for March. The Duchense High School booster club is holding a Texas Hold 'Em tournament on March 18 while Avalon Soccer Club will also be holding a Hold 'Em fundraiser tournament on Saturday March 13. Details for each event can be found on the Yahoo Group page.
If you have an event you would like to include in this second just send the info or an official event flyer to Kevin Smith ( and he will include it in the group.
If you haven't done so yet, make sure you sign up for the Harvester KofC Yahoo Group, you can do so by going here:
Subscribe to harvesterkofc
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